

为什么为St工作?. 云州?

人们在St工作. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 for many different reasons.

  • To bring the transformative, life-changing power of higher education to others.
  • To seek, to challenge, and to push the boundaries of knowledge.
  • 发现.  创新. 
  • To help our students transform their dreams into reality.
向St咨询. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城工作人员

在圣. 云州, we are bold thinkers and game-changers. 

We are pioneers in higher education, rising to turn challenges into opportunities. 

As the world of higher education changes, we innovate to lead the way.

加入我们,在圣. 云州.


At SCSU, we have jobs that offer our employees deep meaning in their working lives. 但是在圣. 云州, we support the whole person—both in and out of the workplace. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits to support your work and personal life. 作为有资格享受福利的员工, 你会非常健康, 牙科, and life insurance coverage options—and so much more.

One of the most exciting benefits that St. 云州提供学费减免. Eligible employees can receive a tuition waiver that covers the cost of tuition—and in some cases even course fees—for themselves or a dependent. This great benefit is available not only at SCSU, but at any 明尼苏达州 University. Additional information about tuition waivers is available here.

Our university also has a telework policy.  Although not all positions are eligible for telework, some may be.  你可以找到更多 information on our telework policy here.










95个国家:St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城学生One of the great things about working at St. 云州 is the vibrant diversity both on our campus and in our surrounding community. We have students and employees 从 all over the United States, and the wider world. Our strong commitment to the power of diversity is reflected in our multicultural student body, 教职员工, and the many programs we offer to support and grow the diversity of our campus community. SCSU has received multiple Higher Education Excellence in 多样性 awards in recognition of our outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.


是时候 TO BE BOLD, TO INNOVATE, TO FOCUS Today, the field of higher education is facing unprecedented headwinds. At SCSU, we aren’t waiting for changes to impact us—we’re leading the way to refresh and innovate. Our It’s Time strategic plan informs the work we are doing to redefine what it means to be a regional comprehensive university.

Today, all colleges and universities face a wide range of challenges. 在圣. 云州, we are rising to transform our challenges into opportunities. We’re building on our over 150-year history of strengths, 学术, and distinction as we reimagine a new university. Other colleges and universities are changing to try to level the playing field in the new world of higher education. With It’s Time, SCSU is becoming more than competitive—we’re playing on a whole different level.

When you join SCSU, you will be joining a team that is reshaping the future of higher education.
