Preparing Teachers to Serve Students

The Teacher Development Department at St. 云州 empowers future educators to lead the next generation of students. With help from faculty expertise, innovative research, and relationships with local districts, our programs are thoughtfully tailored to produce teachers who meet the diverse needs of Minnesota schools. 

Through coursework and field experience, students deepen their 知识 of their chosen field and learn to effectively share that passion with multiple levels of young learners. 研究生s design engaging 课程 and use activity-centered learning environments to produce critical thinkers and culturally competent citizens who are inspired to better their communities.  

Our department prepares confident teachers to educate students, from Kindergarten to 12th grade, on a variety of subjects:  

  • 艺术与音乐 
  • 经济学
  • Geography and history 
  • 健康  
  • Literature and language  
  • 数学  
  • 科学  
  • 技术 and media  

Paving the Way to an Equitable Future

Students in the Teacher Development Department thrive on human interaction, continuous learning, and constant improvement. 他们 are passionate about their chosen content area and, more importantly, about making a difference in the lives of young learners through culturally relevant, 迷人的 课程. As one of the primary sources of 知识 parents, our teachers are driven to provide children with 一个公平的 education and put them on the path to success.

A program for every passion!

Explore Our 项目
女人微笑 三个老师 三个学生 研究生

Your Education as a Teacher Development Student

St. 云州’s Teacher Development Department is designed with your future as an educator in mind. 研究生s emerge from our programs with an extensive 知识 of necessary content areas, as well as the ability to share that 知识 with their students in responsive, inclusive learning environments.  

项目 in the Teacher Development Department are frequently reviewed and updated to adapt to the needs of a changing world. From imparting cultural competency skills to exploring tactics that serve high-needs schools, we go beyond state requirements to ensure future educators can serve the needs of every student.  

Field Experience

Students graduate with everything they need to obtain a Minnesota teaching license, including completion of field experience requirements set both by PELSB and The College of Education and 学习设计 itself. Even before student teaching, our average teacher candidates spend an average of 100–200 hours in Pre-K through 12th-grade classrooms. Observing lessons, tutoring students, and developing teaching strategies—these opportunities are instrumental in your development as an educator.   

Minors and Research  

The Teacher Development Department is proud to offer numerous opportunities for students to personalize their education experience, both in and outside the classroom. Delve deeper into your interests with your choice of a , or participate in an on-campus project and specialize your 知识 through hands-on research. 

You can define success by doing what you're passionate about, what you're interested in, and how you affect the world around you.

Dr. Melissa Hanzsek-Brill, Department Chair of Secondary Education

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