Bring Huskies Home

Safety Protocols and Wellness

Bring Huskies Home - The Full Husky Experience Fall 2021

Protect the Pack: Safety Protocols and Wellness

With the wide availability of vaccines and boosters, easy access to testing, and more treatment options, 我们将继续提供各种安全协议来应对COVID-19. COVID安全措施继续在明尼苏达州产生积极影响. COVID-19 conditions continue to evolve. 虽然我们不希望改变我们目前的安全协议和计划, 如果新冠肺炎疫情发生巨大变化,并威胁到校园和社区成员的安全,我们将做出调整.

Campus Cleaning Plan

St. Cloud State continues to use enhanced cleaning protocols.   

Personal Health

所有学生和员工都必须监控自己的个人健康状况,以防出现症状. The Husky Health Check, which is a list of symptoms to check for, 确保个人在进入校园或使用设施时监测自己的健康状况是一种好方法吗. 

如果学生或员工出现哈士奇健康检查列表上的任何症状, 他们将被要求呆在家里休息和恢复,而不是亲自去上课或工作.    

The Husky Health Check is available on the Visitors page. 这不是大流行开始时要求的每日问卷,而是一种工具,应该成为一个人日常生活的一部分,以确定他们在感到生病时是应该进入校园还是呆在家里.  

As it relates to COVID-19, 如果有人出现哈士奇健康检查列表上的症状, it is strongly recommended to get tested.

Space Capacity Limits and Physical Distancing


St. Cloud State continues to recommend staying at least one Husky (e.g., 3 feet) apart from each other. 然而,这并不是强制性的物理距离要求,只是一项建议. 

Vaccine Attestations

For 2022-2023, St. Cloud State预计不会对员工或学生进行任何测试或疫苗接种认证要求.   

 For students participating in clinical or internship experiences, 提供这些经验的伙伴组织可能有自己的检测或疫苗接种状态认证要求, 这些网站可能会要求学生遵守这些要求,以便参加这些临床或实习经历. This may be especially true of healthcare settings. If students wish to participate in experiences at such sites, 他们将需要遵守现场的测试或疫苗接种认证要求. St. Cloud State将不会管理学生遵守网站要求的测试或疫苗接种认证流程——如果学生希望参加这些网站的体验,他们将负责遵守这些要求.  


明尼苏达州卫生部(MDH)校园检测中心现已停止运作. MDH is now partnering with a community organization, 非洲移民和难民中心组织(开罗), to offer free testing at their location. Please find information from MDH on this testing option below and view additional testing resources.

Center for African Immigrants and Refugees Organization (CAIRO)
3333 West Division Street, Suite 122A
St. Cloud, MN 56301
(320) 281-3232

Hours of Operation
     Weekdays: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
     Weekends: Closed

Testing Types
     Saliva (PCR)

Out-of-Pocket Cost
     No out-of-pocket cost

St. 云州大学仍然没有对2022-2023学年的学生或学生运动员进行测试或接种疫苗的要求.

SCSU Medical Clinic 提供不同的测试选项,包括快速PCR测试,或分子测试. 学生可以打电话或通过网站预约,而不是直接去办公室. Face-to-face and telecare appointments are available.
Telephone: (320) 308-3191

Order an at-home test at no cost
No-Cost COVID Testing For All Minnesotans (including all SCSU students)

Free federal tests for all homes in the U.S. (including all SCSU students)

Community Monitoring

St. Cloud State将监测斯特恩斯县和亨内平县的COVID-19社区水平. These levels help gauge the risk posed by COVID in a community, 包括传播率和医疗资源可用性.

St. Cloud State将继续为希望在隔离或隔离期间留在校园的住宿学生提供安全、独立的校园隔离和隔离选择.


如果斯特恩斯县或亨内平县的COVID-19社区水平升至“高”水平,并保持高水平至少一周, St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城将建议所有校园社区成员在室内戴口罩. This will be a recommendation, and not a requirement. 任何想在校园里戴口罩的人,我们将继续支持他们戴口罩的决定.
只有当一个县的COVID-19社区水平很高,并且至少存在两个其他重大风险因素时,MDH才建议大学考虑在全校范围内佩戴口罩, 其中包括机构资源即将耗尽等因素, contact tracing becoming impractical, and isolation spaces becoming full.

While it is unlikely that St. Cloud State will experience such high risk factors, if our counties do reach a high COVID-19 community level, St. Cloud State will closely monitor the situation on campus. If two or more significant additional risk factors do occur, St. Cloud State将决定是否需要室内口罩, with input from MDH and our own medical clinic professionals.

目前,在校园里的医疗机构仍需要佩戴口罩, including the MDH testing center on campus, the SCSU Medical Clinic, and the Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic.



St. 如果斯特恩斯县转移到高COVID-19社区级别,云州将只需要活动安全计划. If that occurs, 对于不符合以下低风险标准的所有活动,都需要制定活动安全计划. 如果斯特恩斯县不是COVID-19高级别社区,则不需要活动安全计划.

Low-risk events that do not require an event safety plan, even if Stearns County is in a high COVID-19 Community Level:

  • Those that occur outdoors.
  • 那些发生在一起生活的人(这适用于住在同一房间或同一楼层的宿舍学生)(在室内和大学指导方针要求时需要戴口罩).
  • Those in which people are routinely at least 3, and ideally 6 feet apart and there will be no singing or shouting. (在室内和大学指导方针中要求佩戴口罩).
  • 少于25人的面对面会议至少有3人参加, and ideally 6, feet between meeting attendees.



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